NAZDAR - Digital Genealogy Archives

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Q - Why are all the photos so large?

A - The average photo is about 2mb in size. These scanned photos are large to preserve details. You can always resize them to meet your own needs after you download them.

Q - How are these archives organized?

A - Everything is sorted in alphabetical order by the first name of the person. Following the name is a list of their primary records listed in chronological order.

Q - Who am I and why am I doing this?

A - I am an amateur genealogist and desire to discover who my ancestors are. I am a direct decendant of William Henry Eicher. My goal is to find out who his parents are. I have his father's name "William Eicher" and his mother's name "Minerva Faverty". This website is dedicated to finding them.

Q - How can I contribute information?

A - Please email me. I greatly appreciate the many people who are helping and those who have helped me.

Last Updated October 17 2008